The Punk Rock Chronicles Podcast

Casey Royer (Social Distortion, Detours, Adolescents, DI, Radolescents)

Stan Mueller, Chris Tjernagel, and Rob Imlay Episode 11

Back when Casey Royer was a young lad living at home, his good friend Mike Ness stayed with him for a brief stint.  Being bored young teenagers they decided to start a band in Casey’s bedroom called Social Distortion.  On this episode, Casey brings in a cassette tape with a band practice song from the first iteration of the band Social Distortion.  The recorded song on the tape is called Total Control with Mike Ness on guitar, Casey Royer on drums and Tom Corvin on vocals.  Casey also dives into talking about the Detours, Adolescents, Radolescents, and, of course, DI.  So, sit back, grab your favorite beverage and enjoy a little bit of Orange County punk rock history.